Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police
Mission Statement: “To build a fitting public memorial dedicated to those sworn law enforcement officers who lost their lives while performing their duty in Washington, D.C., and to establish a Metropolitan Police Museum to preserve their legacy and the history of policing in the Nation’s Capital.”
The purpose of this page is to bring attention to a project currently underway in Washington D.C. The majority of the information below comes directly from the memorial museums web site. It is a project deserving the recognition that the dedication and sacrifice it's officers have given to the city brought forward.
All Gave Some.
Some Gave All.
The Board of Directors:
Peter Newsham- Police Chief
Don Blake- President
Bob Arscott- Vice President
Hector T. Dittamo- Secretary
Danny Gregg- Member
Nick Breul- Member
Tom Gallagher- Member
Joe Gentile- Member
Clay Goldston- Member
Patrick Burke- Member
Honorary Chair:
Our Honorary Chair will be announced.
Contact Us
300 Indiana Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
e-mail - info@dcpolicememorial.org
tel - #202.383.1757
In 2011, Retired Lieutenant Donald Blake put forth the idea that the memorial fountain that has sat in front of Police Headquarters since 1942, be repaired and made into a better memorial.photo
He was motivated by not only creating a fitting memorial for those who had given their lives in the service of the city, but by the sad and uninviting condition of the memorial fountain as it was.
It was an eyesore that was only turned on once a year for a memorial ceremony and filled with a product to turn the water blue to look more appealing. The location of the fountain is within sight of of the location of the soon to be built National Law Enforcement Museum, and a block away from the pristinely maintained National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Wall.
Don and his wife Terry felt strongly that our pathetic and crumbling memorial was an embarrassment and something needed to be done.
After a few bumps, a memorial project committee was formed, but not without careful guidance and advice from Tom Gallagher, who has experience in project management. After identifying the appropriate stake holders, a board was established with the blessing of Chief of Police, Cathy Lanier.
The Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department has a rich history, with plenty of 1930 motorman with plenty of interesting stories and harrowing experiences, stories of self-sacrifice and everyday heroic actions that ultimately serve to protect the people of this important and bustling city.
A collection of stories and artifacts will be an important part of our attempting to honor the thousands of police officers who have served the city over its lifetime.
The Museum will be an exciting place for visitors to see what it’s been like over the years to walk in the steps of a Washington, DC police officer.
Stay tuned for reports of our progress of constructing the Mus
Donation & Memorabilia information is posted at the bottom of the page
As the project moves forward additional photos will be provided.
To Donate:
The Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Memorial & Museum gratefully appreciates and accepts donations in any amount. We are a 501(c)3 entity (final IRS approval pending) ; therefore your donations are tax deductible.
To make a donation by check, please make payable to: DC Police Memorial Fund
Donations should be mailed to:
The DC Police Memorial & Museum Fund
300 Indiana Avenue NW
Room 4067
Washington, DC 20001
The DC Museum & Memorial is a 501(c)(3) Organization, (final IRS approval pending)
EIN 46-1976045

SIDE ONE - " Metropolitan Police Museum and Memorial" : Washington, D.C. encircling the coin identifies who and what the coin represents
In the center of the coin it shows the Police Call Box – The Logo of the Museum and Memorial with a police officer dressed in a uniformed of the 1800’s that represents our history.
SIDE TWO - "All Gave Some – Some Gave All " : Encircles the coin on a black rim as a sign of memorializing the fallen. The center of the coin depicts the original Metropolitan Police Badge in 1861. The badge has a chain attached at the top encircling the badge. This chain was used to secure the badge to the officers clothing.
The Christmas ornament "A" shows a replica of the M.P.D. badge with our logo, the police call box, in the center with the date of our birth and the American and DC flags on each side of the badge. It has a blue ribbon to hang the ornament on the tree with Christmas 2014 indicating our first Christmas ornament. Ornament "B" is Chief Cullinane with the famous photo taken for TIME Magazine in 1958 Ornament "C" is their badge, one style past with the year they were formed on it, 1861. Ornament "D" honors the fallen MPDC Officers.
There are three ways someone can order these items. They are $20.00 each, includes shipping and handling. The past ornaments have been greatly reduced in price as the form shows.
1. Log onto: www.dcpolicememorial.org and purchase on line using PayPal, just click here
2. Mail a check payable to: DC Police Memorial Fund, 300 Indiana Avenue, NW, Room 4067, Washington, DC, 20001. Please specify if you want the coin or Christmas ornament and provide your return address.
3. Purchase directly from the FOP Gift Shop
4. Use the order form below, just print it out..
If anyone has questions they can log onto the website and submit them accordingly.
"2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017" Christmas Ornaments
In the original silver Metropolitan Police of DC, the outline of our nation’s capital is proudly displayed in the background with the year 1861, the year of the MPD’s founding. The words “DC Police Memorial Christmas 2016” are featured with a silver wreath around the edge of the ornament. The words DC Police Memorial, Christmas 2016 inset in a police blue background.
Each donation supports the construction of a fitting memorial to honor the sacrifices of the men and women of the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC, who have been killed in the line of duty.
Print out this form or copy the information to order these beautiful & historical pieces.
Faith and Confidence is a Pulitzer Prize–winning photograph from 1958 that was shot by William C. Beall. It depicts a young boy and a policeman interacting during a Chinese New Year parade in Washington, DC. The photograph was incredibly popular, featured in LIFE magazine and becoming the logo for the DC Boys Club. The picture was taken as Allan Weaver, who was two years old at the time, was trying to get closer to the colorful Chinese dragon and amazing fireworks of the parade.
At the time, Weaver’s father was stationed in Japan. When Maurice Cullinane leaned down and told him to make sure he didn’t get too close, Weaver asked him if he was a marine.
Maurice was relatively new to the police force and had joined because his father, grandfather, and two uncles had all served under it. In 1974, Cullinane became the Chief of Police, playing a key role in the 1977 Hanafi Siege before retiring the next year. Weaver went on to live a relatively normal life, moving to California and becoming Orson Welles’s personal assistant before settling into his current occupation as a lighting consultant. Both Weaver and Cullinane have the picture hanging in their living rooms.
"2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017" Christmas Ornaments
Update from the memorial and museum:
On behalf of the Washington D.C., Metropolitan Police Department Memorial and Museum Project, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the D.C. Government has authorized the renovation of the neglected Police Memorial Fountain, as well as the building of a new police memorial wall that will appropriately honor our 121 officers who died in the line of duty.
Just over nine years ago, we requested permission from Chief Cathy Lanier to raise funds to honor our fallen officers, as the original structure was built in 1942 and in dire need of repairs. Over the years, we encountered many challenges; but, we are finally moving forward.
We expect to complete the project over the next two years.
I want to thank the Board of Directors; Chiefs Cathy Lanier; Peter Newsham and all former Chiefs of Police for their continued support and assistance; the active and retired members of the force; the Association of Retired Police; the Police Federal Credit Union; and, the DC Crime Solvers, who provided us with the necessary seed funding for the design (see renderings below). Special thanks to the DC Police Foundation and to the families of our fallen for their donations, prayers and support.
I would be remiss if I did not thank the founder of the D.C. Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors, Mrs. Shirley Gibson, who went on to become the National Chair and traveled around the country speaking on behalf of survivors. Shirley is but one of many parents of a slain MPD Officer, but her moving testimony was an enormous help in securing the approval of the memorial by the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts.
When we began, we were determined not to use government funds. We remain proud that funding has only come from citizens and the business community, the same funding process used for the original fountain. In addition to your support, we now have the support of Mr. Don Graham. Don served as an MPD patrolman in the Ninth Precinct in the late 60’s and early 70’s, where, like all of us, he walked the beat, rode in a scout car or a patrol wagon. Today, he is better known as the Chairman of Graham Holdings Company and the former Publisher of The Washington Post.
We are still in need of financial help!
Recognizing that we all gave some, we must remember that SOME GAVE ALL and we can never forget them or their families. Please make a tax deductible donation of any size to our non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. All monies go to the project, we have no paid employees. You may send a check and use this donation form so the entire donation goes to the project or, for PFCU members, you can transfer funds from your account to the Fund by calling the credit union at 301-817-1200. You may also donate online by clicking the button below the signature line.
Please show your support by donating today.
Please follow us on the DC Police Memorial website to see how we are working to make this dream a reality. We owe it to our fallen and their families. Share this with all current and former members of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, friends and members of the business community who support law enforcement.