Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police
2010 to 2014
M.P.D.C. Turns 150 Years Old
The Burak Hussein Obama Years- End of Days...
M.P.D. standing by at a US Post Office where an incident took place.
Not Even Washington D.C. Can Escape Winters Harsh Beatings...
BlackSheep Productions 2009
While the last movie in the series of "The TRANSFORMERS" was being filmed in Washington D.C. there was an actual accident. While what appears to have been an unfortunate communication error, a D.C. Officer's vehicle was struck by "Bumblebee" while he is responding to a call. The officer did not know there was a live shot taking place. Fortunatlly no one was hurt and the production company had back up Bumblebee's...
The 2011 Occupation Movement of Washington D.C.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Occupy Movement, October 15 2011
September 17, 2011 – ongoing
The Occupy movement is an international protest movement which is primarily directed against economic and social inequality. The first Occupy protest to receive wide coverage was Occupy Wall Street in New York City's Zuccotti Park, which began on September 17, 2011. By October 9, Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing in over 95 cities across 82 countries, and over 600 communities in the United States. As of January 22 the Meetup page "Occupy Together" listed 2,818 occupy communities worldwide.
Occupy Wall Street was initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters, and partly inspired by the Arab Spring, especially Cairo's Tahrir Square protests, and the Spanish Indignants. The movement commonly uses the slogan We are the 99%, the #Occupy hashtag format, and organizes through websites such as "Occupy Together". According to the Washington Post, the movement, which has been described as a "democratic awakening" by Cornel West, is difficult to distill to a few demands.
Just after midnight on November 9 in London, Ontario, police evicted protesters from the city's Victoria Park, becoming the first forced evictions in Canada. On the afternoon of November 11 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and later on the night of November 14, authorities forcefully closed down camps around the world in cities such as New York, Oakland and Zurich. Occupy protestors immediately regrouped and vowed to continue their protests, often returning to the cleared sites. On November 24, Edinburgh City Council became the first governmental body in the world to grant the Occupy movement official recognition.
A worldwide poll conducted in January 2012 found that around 40% of respondents were familiar with the movement, and that just over twice as many were sympathetic to the Occupy movement compared to those with an unfavourable view.
When the OCCUPY MOVEMENT first began in the states there was support. Mainly by the political powers in charge. This included the financial protection of the police details, water, food, and sanitation supplies. However as time went on this groups changed. They began to be residents rather then occupiers. Wooden structures were being built, crime was growing, and the true purpose was being tainted. The politicians such as Mayor Manino in Boston were beginning to back fire and slowly the Police were ordered to take action removing these settlements. So now the friendly police and politicians were the enemy of the " 99% .
To avoid this is very simple, DO WHAT YOUR TOLD BY THE POLICE !
Nice safe and healthy environment to put your child into huh....
Washington D.C. is one of the few cities that the occupy movement has remained in, into 2012. In Providence the city surrendered to an AGREEMENT that if they built a day shelter for the homeless the occupy movement would leave the city. Washington has refused to bargain with these folks. As usual the police are taking the blunt of the frustrations from both sides while conducting themselves in professional and high quality standards. Below are several photos of what the M.P.D. and the US Park Police are having to deal with.
A couple of the MPD boys chilling before going out to Rock & Roll
This officer should be promoted to Commander, if I was in my 6th year without a raise the last thing I would be doing is ironing my uniform shirt.
Washington D.C. Police escort shooting suspect from "The Family Research Council".
According to a spokesman for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, the suspected gunman entered the lobby of the building in downtown Washington at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday morning. He was confronted by the security guard and opened fire.
The guard was shot in the left arm, police said. The gunman was tackled and then taken into custody
On March 16th, 2012 George Clooney and his father found the need to act out in a demonstration which got them arrested. Although they received the press they had hoped for I am not so sure it accomplished anything? As always the Metropolitan Police were professional and competent.
These 3 photos were taken by Paul J. Richards of Getty Images
March 17th, 2011 and the M.P.D. conducting an alcohol checkpoint
Us IRISH might consider this entrapment....
ONE Year Anniversary of Occupods Occupying D.C.
They Returned, But they Did Not Occupy
M.P.D. Motorcycle Unit parks outside the field while the Washington Nationals play. There are some good perks to the job once and a while....
Mounted and Motormen together for security of the Washington National's 4th game in the series.
As 2012 ends we enter a new year in Americas history. Obama has been re-elected to another four years, the country is on the fiscal cliff as we continue to fall deeper and deeper in debt. The middle class is getting smaller and smaller yet they are being taxed more then ever before with less jobs. Washington is spending money like there is no tomorrow, Congress can't get along, the media is out of control, religious freedoms are being selectively dismantled by the supreme court, and Americans are buying weapons at a record never seen before.
All this while the D.C. Metropolitan Police have still not received a raise. At least the occupods have slithered away so they can rest during the holidays.
Our country is at the toughest times I have seen in my life time. Let's just hope and pray that 2013 brings us back to our feet again. May God Bless America...
October 2012
The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police and the 2013 Presidential Inauguration
The swearing in of Officers who assisted in the 2013 Presidential Inauguration
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Photo by Marcello Muzzatti MPD
Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department
Members of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Departments GUN RECOVERY UNIT pose for a photo after receiving a Meritorious Service Medal for all of their hard work getting guns off the streets of Washington D.C.
Professional Development Bureau
Human Resource Management Division
3OO Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 6061, Washington D.C., 20001 (202) 727-4261
Crime Briefing Awards
February 6, 2013
Achievement Medal
Narcotic and Special Investigations Division
Lieutenant Michael K. Coligan
Sergeant Curtis Sloan
- Sergeant Jacob Lipscomb
Sergeant Joan Randall - Detective Kirk Del Po
Detective Wayne Gerrish - Detective Kevin McConnell
Detective Allee Ramadhan - Officer Jason Bagshaw
Officer Michael Callahan - Officer Jamie Cullen-Dega
Officer Maurice Clifford
- Officer Wayne David
Officer Hilary Dossen
- Officer Robert Elliott
Officer Alton Henderson - Officer James Harris
Officer Jordan Katz - Officer Dustyn Hugee
Officer Herbert Leboo
- Officer Chad Leo
Officer David Moseley - Officer Scott Pinto
Officer Christopher Ritchie
Officer Ryan Roe

- Officer Jeremy Sharpton
Officer Thomas Sheehan
- Officer Kristopher Smith
Officer Roberto Torres
- Officer Devinci Wooden
Officer Se Young Yoon
Since the re-establishment of the Gun Recovery Unit the city has experienced an overall reduction in homicides and homicides committed with firearms. As of October 30, 2012, the homicides committed with a firearm have fallen below 65%. Although a direct correlation between the work of GRU and the homicide rate involving a firearm cannot be established. The Unit has recovered 1,850 firearms, and arrest 778 suspects for firearms violations which are clear contributing factors in the reduction of homicides and specifically those homicides involving a firearm. GRU continues to adjust strategies and tactics to meet the changing crime patterns and tendencies of firearm offenders. From October 30, 2007, through October 31, 2012 the Gun Recovery Unit has conducted 1,850 firearms seizures, 2,382 arrests, 778 firearm arrests, 878 search warrants, and $1,097,757 in US currency seizures.
The Vice Unit of the year award goes to MPDC's Seventh District
A D.C. Police cruiser was stolen and then crashed after an officer left it unattended Monday.
The cruiser was taken in the 1600 block of Fort Davis Drive in Southeast D.C. just after noon.
The thief got about halfway down the block and then crashed into a small retaining wall in front of a home on R Street.
Several witnesses, including the D.C. Police supervisor whose cruiser was stolen, heard the crash. The thief got out and ran away.
“The individual who was occupying the vehicle at the time, it’s unknown right now if he was injured when the vehicle crashed,” said Commander Robert Contee of D.C. Police. “The vehicle should have been secured, but it was not, and the keys should not have been inside the vehicle, and they were.”
The supervisor is a 10-year veteran who used to work in the Metropolitan Police Department’s Auto Theft Division.
He could now face disciplinary action.
Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/21789424/dc-police-cruiser-stolen-crashed-after-left-unattended-by-officer#ixzz2ObJlG6iE
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Photo by Alesa Mackool
It's always nice to see someone forgoing the use of a car and instead relying on more efficient modes of transportation like bicycles or mass transit. But there are some things in life which require four wheels and a seat. Hauling pieces of furniture, for one.
Or getting away from a bank robbery.
A man who allegedly robbed a Wells Fargo branch on K Street NW about 9:45 a.m. this morning was arrested a few minutes later at the Dupont Circle Metro station after attempting to flee on a Silver Spring-bound Red Line train.
Metro spokesman Dan Stessel says that the Metropolitan Police Department notified the transit agency to halt all the trains at Dupont after the man was spotted entering the station. He was arrested on board without incident and taken back to the street level in handcuffs.
Contact the author of this article or email tips@dcist.com with further questions, comments or tips
7th District Sergeant Joined The Department In 1964
WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- Sgt. Buddy Smallwood says he remembers his first day on the job like it was yesterday. In fact, it was more than 17,000 days ago.
Currently the longest-serving member of the Metropolitan Police Department, the now-72 year-old Smallwood joined MPD on July 20, 1964.
Forty-seven years later, he's still driving a patrol car and still very much enjoying the job, despite the fact, he says, that the mean streets of Washington are a lot meaner now than when he started.
Over the course of his lengthy career, Sgt. Smallwood has worked in four different police districts. His latest assignment, at the 7th district in Southeast Washington, started in 1977.
A few years ago, the roll call room where he often presides was named after Sgt. Smallwood, an honor he calls one of the most humbling of his career.
When asked how much longer he expects that career to last, the married father and grandfather says only that he won't make it to fifty years on the force in 2014, and that he's looking forward to looking back on a job well done.
April 2013: A smash-and-grab robbery in Bethesda led to a head-on crash involving a police car in Southeast D.C. Tuesday. The suspects are still on the loose, police say. The incident began when several masked people took control of a Cartier store in the 5400 block of Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda “by their manner and presence,” according to authorities. They smashed a display case, grabbed an unknown number of designer watches and got into a late-model black Dodge Charger. Montgomery County Police followed them, but discontinued the chase after they crossed the D.C. border. At that point, U.S. Capitol Police and then Metropolitan Police picked up the chase of the suspects’ vehicle. One police officer lost control of his cruiser and crashed into a parked truck at Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and Halley Terrace SE. D.C. police confirm that the crash was related to the Bethesda robbery. The officer is in stable condition. No one was reported injured in the store incident, but the manager of the store said a security guard had been “roughed up.” Authorities said the robbers displayed no weapons. Police would not comment on the value of the stolen items. smash-and-grab robbery in Bethesda led to a head-on crash involving a police car in Southeast D.C. Tuesday. The suspects are still on the loose, police say. The incident began when several masked people took control of a Cartier store in the 5400 block of Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda “by their manner and presence,” according to authorities. They smashed a display case, grabbed an unknown number of designer watches and got into a late-model black Dodge Charger. Montgomery County Police followed them, but discontinued the chase after they crossed the D.C. border. At that point, U.S. Capitol Police and then Metropolitan Police picked up the chase of the suspects’ vehicle. One police officer lost control of his cruiser and crashed into a parked truck at Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and Halley Terrace SE. D.C. police confirm that the crash was related to the Bethesda robbery. The officer is in stable condition. No one was reported injured in the store incident, but the manager of the store said a security guard had been “roughed up.” Authorities said the robbers displayed no weapons. Police would not comment on the value of the stolen items.
Smash-And-Grab Robbery Leads To Police Crash
MPDC Motors #1, 3, 32 and 37 representing at the ride to Flight 93's memorial site
Navy Yard Shooting Rampage
Another mentally ill man goes on a shooting rampage, this time in Washington D.C.
Mental illness proven to be the key factor in ALL of Americas mass shootings, yet nothing is being done to address the mentally ill.
On September 16, Alexis arrived at the Navy Yard in a rental Toyota Prius at around 7:53 a.m., using a valid pass to enter the Yard. He entered Building 197 on 8:08 a.m. carrying the disassembled shotgun (the barrel and stock of which had been sawed off) in a bag on his shoulder. He assembled the shotgun inside a bathroom on the fourth floor, then emerged with the gun, crossed a hallway into the building's 4 West area, and began shooting at 8:16 a.m. Many of the people shot on the fourth floor were shot in the head at close range. After firing shots for four minutes, he then continued firing on the third floor and the lobby. A NAVSEA employee described encountering a gunman wearing all-blue clothing in a third-floor hallway, saying, "He just turned and started firing. " One man in an alleyway was hit by a "stray bullet". At some point, Alexis shot and killed a security officer and took the officer's Beretta 9mm semiautomatic pistol, using it after running out of ammunition for his shotgun.
At 8:17 a.m., the first calls to 9-1-1 were made. D.C. police and several other law enforcement agencies responded immediately, with the first police units entering the building seven minutes after receiving the call. Alexis opened fire on police, hitting an officer, Scott Williams, in the leg. At 8:57 a.m., he went to the third floor, where he engaged law enforcement personnel in a gunfight that lasted for more than 30 minutes. Alexis was fatally shot in the head at 9:25 a.m. by police on the third floor. His death was confirmed at 11:50 a.m
There were 13 fatalities. The suspect and 11 of the victims were killed at the scene, while a 12th victim who was shot in the head, 61-year-old Vishnu Pandit, died at George Washington University Hospital. All the victims killed were civilian employees or contractors. Eight others were injured, three of them from gunfire. The survivors wounded by gunshots (police officer Scott Williams and two female civilians) were in critical condition at Washington Hospital Center.
( Information Provided From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
A sharp-looking team of officers from the Second District stand with Michele M. Leonhart, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Karl Colder, Special Agent in Charge for DEA’s Washington Field Division, at the Anti-Defamation League’s SHIELD Awards on Sept. 23 at the National Press Club.
Created by ADL’s Washington, DC Regional Office in 2010, the SHIELD Awards annually recognize law enforcement for significant contributions towards protecting the American people from hate crimes, extremism, and domestic and international terrorism. The name of the award is an acronym for the core values of the profession: Service, Honor, Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, and Dedication. -Photo courtesy Commander Michael Reese
MMPD members teamed up with the Washington, DC Police Foundation and Wal-Mart to brighten some kids' holidays for our annual "Shop with a Cop" program. Wal-Mart's new store on Georgia Avenue played host to the event and the officers and children had a great time shopping and preparing for the holiday season. -Photo courtesy Rebecca Schwartz, DCPFPD members teamed up with the Washington, DC Police Foundation and Wal-Mart to brighten some kids' holidays for our annual "Shop with a Cop" program. Wal-Mart's new store on Georgia Avenue played host to the event and the officers and children had a great time shopping and preparing for the holiday season. -Photo courtesy Rebecca Schwartz, DCPF
Sergeant Buddy E. Smallwood started at the 14th Precinct on July 20, 1964, which was located in the area covered by today’s Sixth District. Sergeant Smallwood was then promoted to sergeant in 1972, and assigned to the Fifth District. In 1977, Smallwood transferred to the Seventh District, and has been there ever since. The Seventh District Headquarters was then located on Mississippi Avenue, SE. Sergeant Smallwood’s last roll call was held at the Seventh District on April 6, 2013.
Best of luck on your retirement, Buddy!
-Photo Courtesy Tony Brown
Members of MPD's Traffic Safety and Specialized Enforcement Branch served as the backdrop during taping of a NHTSA video about seat belt safety last week. Pictured here are Lieutenant James E. McCoy (SOD Aviation), Sergeant Terry Thorne (SOD Traffic), Lieutenant Ronald T. Wilkins (SOD Traffic), NHTSA Administrator David L. Strickland (NHTSA), and Officer Charles Marshall (SOD Motorman). The Click It or Ticket program is a focused enforcement effort that MPD is proud help spread the message about the importance of wearing your seat belt.
WASHINGTON (ABC 7 News /WJLA) - At the D.C. Police Department's annual awards ceremony Thursday night, we got our first look at some of the heroes of the deadly Navy Yard shooting last September.
Continue reading
D.C. Police Officer Scott Williams was leading one of the initial active shooter teams as they searched the third floor area. The gunman opened fire on Williams, shooting him multiple times in both legs. He received one of the highest awards
Navy special agents Brian Kelley and Ed Martin pulled a wounded officer Williams to safety and carried him down three flights of stairs.
Then D.C. Officer Dorian Desantis headed into harm's way. The gunman opened fire, striking Desantis in the chest. His body armor stopped the round and Desantis fired back - taking out the gunman and bringing an end to the tragedy. He received the other highest award.
U.S. Park Police officers Andrew Wong and Carl Hiott were also honored.
They provided cover and engaged the shooter in the final gun battle.
And for their heroic helicopter rescue of the injured from the roof of that building, the U.S. Park Police helicopter team was also honored: the pilot, Sgt. Kenneth Burchell and Crew Sgt. David Tolson and Officer Michael Abate.
FOX 5 DC & MyFoxDC
WASHINGTON - Four people have been murdered in Washington, D.C. in the last 24 hours, and the year-to-date murder rate has doubled.
There have always been homicides in Washington, D.C., but the number of them was much larger 20 years ago: in 1994, the city recorded 399 murders.
By 2004, it was down to 198 murders. By 2012 there were only 88 homicides. In 2013, the number rose to to 104, but that included the dozen people killed in a single incident at the Washington Navy Yard shootings in September.
Very recently, the trend has spiked upward sharply. In the first two months of 2014, there were 23 homicides in D.C. In the first two months of last year, there were only 12 homicides. If you count the first day in March, the total number of victims climbs to 25.
Homicide detective Anthony Haythe was asked if the department is concerned about the spike in murders. "Every murder concerns me, working in homicide," Haythe said. "Every murder that occurs in the District gets a great deal of attention. We've devoted extra resources, extra manpower, as far as patrol is concerned. We have detectives working around the clock. [They] have not been home, trying to get these cases closed."
Here are details on the latest four murders:
On Friday evening, just before 8:00, gunfire broke out in the city's Deanwood neighborhood -- a lot of gunfire. "Multiple gunshots," recalls resident Michael Sharp. "A volley of about eleven [shots], and then another volley of about eight."
Police say two brothers were gunned down on Lee Street, NE, right across the street from the Antioch Baptist Church. Both were killed.
They have been identified as 26-year-old Jason Emmanuel Bryant, and 34-year-old Khalid Jamal Bryant. The two slain brothers, until a few months ago, had lived together in a basement apartment on Meade Street, NE, only a few blocks from where they were killed. Former neighbors said they were good men who never caused trouble.
At 12:20 a.m., Saturday, 46-year-old Andre McIntyre of NW D.C. was found unconscious on the 3700 block of D Street, SE. Police say he suffered trauma to the head. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
At 3:00 Saturday morning, a man was gunned down on the 4800 block of 9th Street, NW. He has been identified as Billy Andrew Harris, who sometimes lived at a transitional house for offenders on Spring Road, NW. In the past, the 51-year-old victim had been charged with assault and domestic violence, but court records indicate he was generally found 'not guilty' or the cases were dismissed. .
(Left to Right) Hilton Burton - Vic Brito - Mark Beach - Ralph McLean , Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police
D.C. Police Detective shot in attempted carjacking, search underway for those involved
Wednesday - 8/13/2014, 11:13am ET WTOP
WASHINGTON -- An off-duty D.C. police detective was shot early Wednesday morning during an attempted carjacking, and a search is underway for people involved.
A Metropolitan Police Department detective is in stable condition after being shot multiple times near the Suitland Parkway at about 2:50 a.m. The suspects attempted to steal the detective's vehicle, shot the detective and then fled the scene in a burgundy Nissan Altima with New York plates, according to MPD Police Chief Cathy Lanier.
"They opened fire on his car and then started ramming the car," Lanier says, adding that at this point, "it doesn't appear that the detective ever had a time to fire back."
One person is in police custody following a wild chase that went into Prince George's County, returned to D.C. near RFK Stadium and then continued to Northeast D.C., Lanier says. At some point during the chase, at least two people fled on foot and police are still searching for them.
Lanier says police are searching D.C. and Prince George's County for the people who fled the vehicle.
The detective -- whose name has not yet been released -- is out of surgery and is in stable condition.
Police have the Altima and are seeking information about any other people who may be involved.
There is a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. If you have information, call police at 202-727-9099.
The search led to street closures through rush hour. All lanes of the roads reopened by 11:10 a.m.
Man Swings Ax at DC Officer in Unprovoked Attack
Posted: Oct 31, 2014 5:41 AM EST Updated: Oct 31, 2014 10:42 AM EST
WASHINGTON (AP) -- District of Columbia police are searching for a man they say swung a large ax at an officer in an unprovoked attack.
Officer Araz Alali, a police spokesman, says the officer was sitting in a marked police car shortly after 3 a.m. Friday when a man swung the ax and shattered the driver's side window. The officer got out of the car and struggled with the attacker, who fled on foot without the ax. The officer was injured, but not by the blade of the weapon.
Alali says police aren't ruling out any potential motives. He says there's no apparent connection to last week's attack of a group of New York City police officers by a hatchet-wielding man. New York's police commissioner described that attack as an act of terrorism.
© 2014 The Associated Press.
The Post's View
D.C. police’s use of miniature, on-body video cameras is overdue
By Editorial Board September 25
BEFORE TOO LONG, District police officers on patrol are likely to have miniature, body-worn video cameras as part of their standard gear, in addition to badge, gun, handcuffs and nightstick. That welcome and timely measure, announced Wednesday as a pilot program by Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) and Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, should go a long way to promoting better interactions between uniformed officers and civilians — and providing critical video evidence when things go wrong.
The price of equipping some 1,500 patrol and school officers with the cameras, which can be mounted on a collar, cap or even sunglasses, will be considerable; the devices can cost up to $700 each. But that’s a small price to pay, given the expected and potential benefits, which include a reduction in violent encounters as well as complaints against officers.
Police departments across the country, including those in New York City and Los Angeles, have started to test and deploy the little cameras. In many cases, including the District’s, the unions representing patrol officers have also welcomed the cameras in the belief that they will lead to better policing and a drop in the number of bogus complaints against officers.
Union President Delroy Burton, who represents D.C. police rank-and-file officers, cited the case study of the police department in Rialto, Calif., where the number of complaints filed against officers plummeted by almost 90 percent in the first year after the cameras were deployed — even though just half the officers were wearing them in each shift. Incidents involving the use of force by officers also fell sharply, the study found .
There are concerns about the rules governing the cameras and the evidence they collect. Among the key questions are when the cameras start and stop rolling; to what purposes the footage is used or not used; and how long it is retained in storage.
Those are legitimate questions; they are also possible to resolve in favor of constructive use of the cameras. In the District, Chief Lanier, in consultation with union officials, decided that officers will be required to start recording with a camera as soon as they receive a call for service; the camera will continue to roll until the call is finished. That should address the concern that the cameras could be used to troll for trivial administrative violations by officers or would violate their privacy.
It’s not hard to think of instances in which video evidence would do much to settle or shed light on bitter disputes about the use of force by police — think of the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson, Mo., this summer. And while some civil liberties groups have expressed concern about intrusive filming of citizens, that worry seems a little archaic. The truth is that anyone can be filmed in public at virtually any time, without their knowledge, given the proliferation of security and phone cameras. Their use by police is overdue.
Police Officer JaShawn Colkley wears a body-worn camera mounted on glasses, during a news conference to announce Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department's (M.P.D.) new body-worn cameras, at City Hall in Washington DC. (Michael Reynolds/EPA)
It's our 50 hour basic Haz-Mat course for the STAT Team (Special Threat Action Team), which is run out of the Domestic Security Operations Unit and we fall under SOD. The unit is made up of volunteer district personnel and all SOD members. It's essentially a W.M.D. response unit. STAT members receive specialized training in chem/bio & radiation. And are available for call up in the event of an incident in the city. You can use my name. D.S.O. is also responsible for the C.D.U. store room (munitions) and all C.D.U. training.
Gregory Michael a proud member of the M.P.D.C. gives us a little insight on the complicated training that shows us how dedicated these Police Officers truly are to the city of Washington.
P.O. Box 911
Foxborough, Ma.
Eric Garner/Mike Brown Protest Leaders Confront DC Cop – “Can We Hit Your Ass With A Car?”
Three women, who appeared to be leaders of the DC Eric Garner/Michael Brown protests, confronted Metropolitan motorcycle officer Robert Wells for not arresting a motorist who hit a protester. The protester later admitted to Officer Wells (who hadn’t witnessed the incident) he put himself in “harms way”. The “leaders” were upset because the motorist had given an officer his driver’s license and had not been arrested.
The protest leaders followed Officer Wells and inquired why the motorist wasn’t arrested. When another protester loudly interjected himself into the conversation, a brief argument ensued and the protest leaders later objected to having any video that made “black people look bad” be documented for broadcast.
A stray bullet hit 9-year-old Jaydan Stancil at a playground near his Northwest D.C. home in October. Since then, he has spent his time at Children's National Medical Center and MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital. But thanks to the kindness of people inspired by his bravery, Jaydan took a special trip to make a dream come true.
This all started with D.C. Police Officer Matt Morris. He was part of a group that took some Christmas presents to the 9-year-old this month.
Officer Morris told us Jaydan is one of the strongest kids he has ever met and he just wanted to do what he could to make his already big smile even brighter.
He reached out to someone here at FOX 5 who put in a request at the Verizon Center. And on Monday night, this little boy's dream came true as he took a very special field trip from his hospital to see his favorite professional wrestling stars at WWE's Monday Night Raw.
At first, Jaydan doesn't realize the surprise that is in store for him. But as soon as his mother shares the big news, the big smile comes.
“Tonight?” he asked his mother. “Alright, I want to go.”
Every moment he hasn't been in surgery, therapy or doing school work, Jaydan spends his time in the hospital playing with his wrestling toys.
But getting a chance to see the real thing is worthy of an immediate call to his brothers.
Jaydan's survival alone is a miracle. After he was shot near his home at the Mayfair Mansions apartment complex, many wondered if he would survive, much less ever walk or talk again.
“I stayed alive through all of this,” he said.
The bullet remains lodged in his brain. He tires easily and his left side and walking are affected. But he will tell you he is still tougher than even his favorite wrestlers.
His mother says a gift like this from so many people is a wonderful recognition of her son's strength.
“It's very exciting,” said Jaydan's mother, Monique Nichols. “I love it. I'm glad. I'm happy. I'm appreciative to all of the people who have reached out to Jaydan.
But their problems are far from over. Jaydan is getting discharged from the rehab hospital on Wednesday and his mother has vowed not to move him back to the scene of the awful crime.
“I don't choose to go back to Mayfair,” she said. “I believe the community there owes me an explanation. Someone knows who shot Jaydan and no one is talking, so I'd rather not take my son back into that environment.”
But that is a problem for another day.
“For now, we are just going to go have some fun at the Verizon Center,” said Nichols.
So off they went Monday night. The brave little boy with a big smile had a message for all those who are still pulling for him.
“Now I'm okay,” he said. “And thank you for praying for me.”
Jaydan still has a tough road ahead of him, including a big surgery in February to reconstruct his skull and his eyebrow where the bullet went into his head.
But finding a new home is the family's most pressing concern. Money is tight with all the bills. Safety is also a concern as well as accessibility. He can't travel on the stairs at his old apartment.
Nichols says she reached out to some city officials and continues to hope a little more helps comes on that in time
9-year-old DC boy shot in head surprised with tickets to see WWE wrestling show
For the D.C. Police, 2014 goes out with a good note !
What a brave young man.....
Stay Strong Jaydan - JAYDAN STRONG !