The Fraternal Order of Police - F.O.P. Lodge # 1 - D.C.
The Association of Retired Police Officers D.C. (A.O.R.P.)
Metropolitan Boy's and Girls Club
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Founded 1886
Boy's and Girl's Club of Greater Washington
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Merged in 2003
Click on the tab above to see what the M.P.D. has to say about the Metropolitan Boy's and Girl's Club
Photo From M.P.D.'s 150th Anniversary Book
Photo From M.P.D>'s 150th Anniversary Book
BlackSheep Productions 2009
Crime Solvers involve a three-pronged attack against crime using the police, the civic business community, and the news media. The program publicizes unsolved crimes and wanted suspects and offers an anonymous, toll free telephone number for individuals to provide the police information about those crimes in exchange for cash rewards.
The D.C. Crime Solvers program is part of a National Capitol Area Crime Solvers. The N.C.A.C.S. includes police departments from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.
Help us fight crime by contributing to Crime Solvers of Washington, DC, Inc. For more information, contact:
Crime Solvers
Public Information Office
Police Headquarters, Room 5144
300 Indiana Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 727-4383
(From the M.P.D. Official Web Site)
Fax: (202) 727-4822
History of the Program
Crimes Solvers (also known as Crime Stoppers in some jurisdictions) initially began in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since its national launch in 1976, the program operates in more than 1,000 jurisdictions in the United States, Canada, and various other countries throughout the world. Crime Solvers of Washington, DC, has been in operation since 1981.
The Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs (MPBGC) help to prevent crime by providing the children of the District of Columbia with structured social, recreational, athletic, and educational activities to help them develop into responsible citizens. Staffed in part by officers and other personnel of the MPDC, the Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubhouses create safe havens to play and learn, and provide positive role models to inspire youth.
In 2003, the MPBGC merged with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington in an effort to provide even more programs serving even more area youth. This merger preserves the facilities and services of the MPBGC, a local organization that has provided DC children with strong police mentors and athletic and educational programs for more than 70 years. MPDC officers continue to provide staff services and support in the seven MPBGC Clubhouses and at the Camp Brown summer facility in Scotland, Maryland. But these services are strengthened through the resources, diversity and stability of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington. As a result of this merger, more than 35,000 DC-area youth are being served annually.
(From the M.P.D. Official Web Site)
The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington is to help boys and girls of all backgrounds, especially those who need us most, build confidence, develop character and acquire the skills needed to become productive, civic-minded, responsible adults.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington was established in 1886 as the Newsboys and Children's Aid Society . In the early 1900s, the Working Boys Home and Children's Aid Association replaced this organization and enlarged the scope of service to neighborhood boys.
With the support of the Rotary Club of Washington, D.C., a board of trustees was established and the name changed to Boys Clubs of Washington. In 1973, Boys Clubs of Washington began serving girls as full and equal members. In July of 1981, Boys Clubs of Washington changed its name to Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington to reflect its new direction.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington is now one of the largest affiliates of Boys & Girls Clubs of America with 21 sites over a 75-mile radius from Frederickburg, Virginia to Germantown, Maryland as well as a residential summer camp in Southern Maryland.
CHILDREN TODAY FACE INCREDIBLE ODDS. Reality threatens to rob youth of the childhood they deserve. Some manage to reach adulthood intact and strong. Yet so many struggle and fall between the cracks, never realizing their potential.
Our Clubs
BGCGW’s 21 sites —covering a territory of 75 miles that stretches from Fredericksburg to Germantown—serve as safe havens for our members. The clubs are open when schools are not, and provide a safe, comfortable, and fun alternative to youth who would otherwise be home alone or on the street. Over 21,000 members attend the Clubs for activities, to see their friends, and to spend time with positive and encouraging adults.
Clubs are open after school on weekdays. Some have Saturday hours, and many offer full days during school holidays and summers. Clubs welcome every child, adolescent, or teenager for a nominal annual membership fee, but will not turn any child away for inability to pay.
(From the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington)
The Association of Retired Police Officer (AORP) represents retired police officers in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. The agencies included are the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), the U.S. Park Police (USPP), the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division (USSS/UD) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS). The organization was chartered in 1935 and the AORP has a long record of assisting and representing retired police officers and their families.
By joining AORP, you become a member of our police retirement community. Benefits of joining include access to our web site, AORP Newsletter, retirement information and legislation that affects you, links to several web sites that are beneficial to retirees and access to 5,000 plus retired DC Area police officers.
(From the AORP Site)
D.C. C.O.P.S. - Concerns of Police Survivors
The Washington DC Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (DC-COPS) provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families and affected co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, as determined by Federal government criteria. Furthermore, COPS provides training to law enforcement agencies on survivor victimization issues and educates the public of the need to support the law enforcement profession and its survivors. We survive solely on donations of citizens and businesses and are always looking for community support. All of our board members are survivors who are volunteers for the organization. DC-COPS is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police
Fraternal Organizations For The D.C. Area
VIDEOS / MOVIES, of and by Members of the M.P.D.
PLEASE send me links to your video's of M.P.D. and the days gone by...
Men and Women of 2D back in the day....
Contact Us
How to Reach the FOP D.C. Gift Shop
The F.O.P. Lodge D.C. #1 Gift Shop
711 4th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001-2607
202-589-1637 Tel
1-866-438-4482 Toll Free
Bob Dowd - Proprietor
Lou D'Camera - Store Manager
Terry Board - Asst. Store Manager
Mike Thomas - Warehouse Manager
The F.O.P. Gift Shop is located within F.O.P. Lodge D.C. #1 on Fourth Street, NW between G & H Streets. We are located one block from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and two blocks from the MCI Center
F.O.P. Store information is at the bottom of the page
Often I am given information about an organization that I am not familiar with called "Heroes. Inc.". However based on the persons involvement with the particular organization I decided to add them to the page. A retired Policeman from my area with family ties to the M.P.D.C. has informed of this group. Based on his families experience with Heroes.Inc. I am adding their information to this page. I hope it helps, even if just one person.

You need to mention this organization and it's founder William 'Bud' Doggett. My father was killed in May 1974. Hero's Inc stepped in. My father left a wife and ten children ranging from 4 to 25 yoa. At a policeman's funeral hundreds of people, cops, will stop you and offer you this and that. Mr. Doggett didn't forget about us. I was somehow was let in the back door of the University of Maryland and was enrolled by unseen forces. Hero's Inc. sent an accountant to meet with my mom and help her with taxes, insurance, and things I don't know can not even imagine. I last talked to Bud Doggett on the phone in 2007. A car parked in front of me on the MV ferry had a Washington Board of Trade bumper sticker (An umbrella organization for Hero's Inc). I talked to the driver, (John Tydings) and he called Mr. Doggett from the ferry. Doggett remembered me and talked to me for 45 minutes. He wanted to know everything about my family and how they were getting on. This organization save my family from financial ruin.
Bud Doggett’s Story
Bud-DoggettThe Founder and Chairman of the Board of HEROES, Inc. ® Leonard B. “Bud” Doggett, was known to many as Mr. “D”. Mr. Doggett’s legacy of a personal standard of commitment, participation and love for the organization will go forever unchallenged. Daily, he honored the sacrifice of each law enforcement officer and firefighter whose names appear on the HEROES, Inc.® Roll of Honor.
His dedication to the welfare of the survivors of these fallen HEROES, more than 200 families, set an example unequaled in depth. His pledge to make available office space and absorb all overhead and staffing expenses enabled HEROES to mature and provide services and scholarships at a level he could not have imagined possible when it first began in 1964. Bud Doggett passed away on August 13, 2008. We celebrate his life and his extraordinary devotion with a pledge to continue his promise to these families whose lives have been devastated by tragedy.
Why HEROES, Inc.®?
As We’re Protected By Those Who Wear A Badge Of Honor, Let Us Protect Their Families
Our organization’s singular goal is to honor the supreme sacrifice made by law enforcement officers and firefighters who give their lives in the line of duty while ensuring the safety of citizens in the greater Washington area.
We honor these fallen HEROES by assisting their spouses and children, beginning within 24 hours of the tragic loss and continuing indefinitely.